
Security Policy

We use current security measures to safeguard your personal information. All the personal information you provide us is stored in a secure computing environment protected by secure firewalls to prevent unauthorized access. We control access so that only people who need to access the information can. All staff of Universal Cutting Tools is required to adhere to a security agreement.

When you access secure areas of the site, we use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol with 128-bit encryption. This means that all the information sent between your computer and our secure computing environment is encrypted so that no one can read it in transit. You can read it and we can read it – no one else. There are two cues to show you that you are using a secure area. First, the Web site address (or URL) appears as https:// (instead of just http://). The “s” added to http means secure. Second, a lock or key indicator appears in the status bar of your Web browser. Secure areas of the site have a time-out feature. If you leave your secure session inactive for some time, it times-out to prevent unauthorized access.

Payments are handled securely by third-party companies. Visit the payment policy page for more details.